​​Head Turners​
Professional Face Painting & Body Art
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​We only use good quality water based paints, these are FDA/EU compliant and we only use cosmetic poly-glitter. All paints are easily removed with water and mild soap or baby wipes.
We can only face paint children 3 years and above, if younger a design on the arm will be offered. We reserve the right to refuse to paint anyone who is abusive, violent or intoxicated.
Do not allow yourself or child to be painted if you think you/they may be allergic to any of the products. If you are in any doubt about the possibility of an allergic reaction, a patch test will be offered.
We reserve the right not to paint a child with a cold sore, eczema, chicken pox, is unwell or has any other apparent skin condition. An arm design may be offered instead if appropriate.
We use clean utensils, wash containers, brushes thoroughly after each session and use one sponge per child. We do not add disinfectant to the water as the paint already contains agents that act against yeast, mould and bacteria.
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We ask that the children do not touch or play with the paints, glitter or equipment.
We will not be held liable to any child/adult who may react to our paints.